Save Money With Millet

When eating clean, there are some foods that feel very expensive. I am all about saving some cash when I can. Let me introduce millet. I freakin’ love millet. It’s so cheap at the bulk store, it tastes amazing, and it’s gluten free.

Grains have been a central part of the human diet since early civilization. They contain enzymes, iron, fiber, vitamin E, and B-complex vitamins. Our bodies will take time to break down the whole grain because the all the layers of the grain are present (not like white rice). This helps use because it will keep use feeling full for longer, providing long term, high quality energy.

Millet is a very small, yellow, round grain that has been traced back thousands of years. It was actually the main grain in China before rice and is seen today in a lot of African cuisine. Millet is still popular all over the world today because it is such a hardy plant, it will grow in extreme conditions.


Why Do I Love Millet?

  • gluten free
  • improves your breathe
  • warming effect
  • supports kidneys and stomach
  • soothing for indigestion and morning sickness
  • contains silica, which helps keep bones flexible in the aging process
  • anti-fungal; helps ease Candida symptoms
  • high in protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, and potassium
  • is super cheap! Bulk store I’ve seen it for 28 cents for 100g. (People think it’s bird food, literally for birds)

Millet can be used like any other whole grain, and also in dense breads, it has a similar consistency to couscous. Make sure you rinse the millet first and put the grains into water that is already boilingthis will help to make the millet not stick together. Millet is cooked with one part millet to two parts water. You can store it in glass containers for 6-9 months.

Quinoa For Breakfast?

This week I have been focusing on adding more whole grains into my diet. Although porridge is usually not thought of as the most exciting breakfast, I promise you will change your mind!

Last night we had a vegetable stir fry with quinoa, I made extra of both. Today for breakfast I used the leftover quinoa with equal parts of almond milk to cooked quinoa, added dried fruits(goji berry and cranberry is what I used, but anything will work) , nuts and seeds (pecan, sunflower, and hemp hearts), cinnamon, and maple syrup. Then I brought it to a boil and then down to a simmer until the liquid was absorbed. Make sure to stir so it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pot. I topped this porridge with hemp hearts, and raw apple. I used a lot of cinnamon, because I enjoy the taste and it has a warming effect on the body.



