How To Grow Food In Containers – VIDEO

Spring is coming and grocery bills are exploding! Do something about it this year. If you don’t have the space or time to build a garden bed, don’t worry, grow in containers. Watch my video and I will show you what to grow, how to plant, what soil to buy and my favourite soil additives to make sure you nail it!


I am just about to make some juice, and I thought I would share my juicing demo for everyone. I am explaining the differences between juicers styles, why veggies juice is so damn good for you, and I will actually juice with my juicer so you can see how to do it.

PLUS all my expert tips and tricks!!

If you are curious about juicing, this video is for you!

Let me know if you are a juicer and why you love it, or why you are excited about it in the comments below!

Lemon Meringue Oatmeal

Not only is this beyond delicious, but it gets so bubbly, and tastes like lemon meringue pie first this in the morning. I was shocked at how huge and bubbly this got!!

Eating oatmeal in the morning is a tasty and inexpensive way to add more whole foods to your diet. Oatmeal is high in fibre, low in calories, low in fat, and high in protein. The unique fibre in oatmeal actually amps up your immune system and helps to prevent disease. Oatmeal stabilizes blood sugar, which reduces your risk of diabetes, not to mention it lowers cholesterol too!



1/2 cup oats

1 lemon 1/2 juice, 1/2 sliced – seeded removed

1/2 cup plain greek yogurt

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1-4 tablespoons maple syrup to taste

What To Do:

Add oats to 1 cup boiling water, with lemon juice and lemon slices. Cook, covered for 15 minutes, until oats have absorbed liquid. Stirring so oats don’t stick, especially near the end of cooking. As oats are cooking, mix 1/2 cup of yogurt with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and set aside to get fluffy. Once oatmeal is done cooking, add maple syrup, take off heat and add in yogurt mixture. Oatmeal will get super bubbly, mix thoroughly and enjoy.

VIDEO – What’s The Deal With Green Smoothies Anyway?!

Have you ever wondered why green smoothies are so good for you? How do you make them without being chunky? (for those of us without a Vitamix) What ratio of greens and fruit will not taste like a blended salad? Do I need to add anything to a green smoothie so my body will actually absorb all the nutrients? Yes, you actually do! This is the video for you my friend, check it out and become a green smoothie master, and blend that muffin top away!!

Save Money With Millet

When eating clean, there are some foods that feel very expensive. I am all about saving some cash when I can. Let me introduce millet. I freakin’ love millet. It’s so cheap at the bulk store, it tastes amazing, and it’s gluten free.

Grains have been a central part of the human diet since early civilization. They contain enzymes, iron, fiber, vitamin E, and B-complex vitamins. Our bodies will take time to break down the whole grain because the all the layers of the grain are present (not like white rice). This helps use because it will keep use feeling full for longer, providing long term, high quality energy.

Millet is a very small, yellow, round grain that has been traced back thousands of years. It was actually the main grain in China before rice and is seen today in a lot of African cuisine. Millet is still popular all over the world today because it is such a hardy plant, it will grow in extreme conditions.


Why Do I Love Millet?

  • gluten free
  • improves your breathe
  • warming effect
  • supports kidneys and stomach
  • soothing for indigestion and morning sickness
  • contains silica, which helps keep bones flexible in the aging process
  • anti-fungal; helps ease Candida symptoms
  • high in protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, and potassium
  • is super cheap! Bulk store I’ve seen it for 28 cents for 100g. (People think it’s bird food, literally for birds)

Millet can be used like any other whole grain, and also in dense breads, it has a similar consistency to couscous. Make sure you rinse the millet first and put the grains into water that is already boilingthis will help to make the millet not stick together. Millet is cooked with one part millet to two parts water. You can store it in glass containers for 6-9 months.

Dear Hot Water Bottle: The Love is Real.

I am in love with my hot water bottle. It’s like a hug. It’s real.

Once you switch to the dark side and try this beauty out, I swear you will never go back. The hot water bottle is one of the most useful health care products available. The whole idea is to provide soothing heat therapy conveniently anywhere on your body with ease.


Here are some of the ways you can use this little gem:

  • relax muscles
  • provide comfort for deep relaxation
  • for warmth
  • cramps
  • back strain
  • aid digestion
  • bed warmer
  • ease arthritic pain
  • calm children
  • travel companion
  • calm pets (new puppies)
  • help to get better sleep
  • chills, aches and pain associated with the flu

Just fill her up with hot water from the sink, it should stay warm for around 2 hours. A lot of my readers are working on emotional eating, and this is a cheap, easy tool you can incorporate into your life. The soothing comfort provided helps with negative feelings, and binging because you are nurturing yourself, what you desperately need. Sitting on the couch with a hot water bottle, is an example of self love. Self love is a huge factor in emotional eating.

Bust out your hot water bottle tonight!