Creamy Roasted Garlic Sauce

I must confess…


Lucky for me, it is amazing for your health!

Garlic has so many healing properties, antiviral, antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, and it tastes so good. It is also great for cold, flus, chest infections, digestive disorders, and fungal infections because of its healing abilities.

Since it is currently winter, and everyone and their brother is getting sick, I made creamy roasted garlic sauce.

So simple

I roasted 6 heads of garlic and one shallot, until they were soft, about 30 minutes. Squeeze them into a blender with 1 cup of almond milk a pinch of salt and pepper and blend!
Just pop in the fridge for a few hours to thicken up, this makes enough to freeze for later too.

At my house we use this as a dip, to add in eggs, add to other sauces, the list is endless. I find this a great condiment to have on hand I go through it like crazy!!




Cool Lime Green Juice

Welcome to my new favourite juice in the morning. It has a cool sensation from the mint, and the ginger and lime give it a nice kick! This juice is packed with phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals to kick start your day, and help to rid your body of toxins.

What I Used:

2-3 bok choy leaves (detoxifier)

5-6 leaves of Chinese cabbage (detoxifier)

2 handfuls of spinach (alkalizing)

1 handful of mint (healing herb)

1″ piece of ginger (detoxifier)

1 lime, peeled

1 green apple (sweetener)




Hot Towel Scrub

I recently learned about a hot towel scrub, so I thought I would share it with all of you.

Let’s talk about the benefits first:

– reduces muscle tension
– reenergizes in the morning
– deeply relaxes at night
– opens pores to releases toxins
– softens deposits of hard fat below the surface and prepares them for discharge
– allows excess fat, mucus, cellulite, and toxins to discharge to the surface, rather than deposit deep around vital organs
– reduces stress from meditative action
– calms the mind
– promotes circulation
– activates lymphatic system, especially underarms and groin
– creates profound self loving relationship, especially with body image issues
– spreads energy through the chakras

This is super simple, you fill up a sink with hot water, add a few drops of essential oil (optional – I like lavender and chamomile), light some candles (optional) and using a face cloth, scrub down your entire body, taking as much time as you want, 2-20 minutes, or longer. It is recommended to do this daily or twice a day. I find it easy to fit this into my routine before bed.


Cinnamon Raisin and Oats Cookies

What You Need:

1/2 cup honey

1/4 cup coconut oil (melted)

1/4 almond milk

1 tbsp. flaxseed meal

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup spelt flour

1/4 cup quinoa flour

1/2 tsp.  baking soda

1 tsp.  cinnamon

2/3 cup  raisins

1 1/2 cup oats

parchment paper

What To Do:

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F

2. Combine flours, baking soda, cinnamon, salt, and flaxseed meal in a bowl.

3. Add milk, oil, and honey to the bowl, stir to combine.

4. Add raisins and oats, stir to combine.

5. Line baking trays with parchment paper.

6. Spoon out cookies onto tray, pressing down slightly with the spoon, or your hand. Cookies should be approximately 2 tbsp. and a 1/2″ thick.

7. Bake for 15 – 20 minutes, when cookies are golden brown and starting to crisp around the edges. Let cool on the pan for about two minutes, then transfer the paper and cookies to a wire rack, let cool completely.


This recipe was inspired by “Rosemary’s Bakery – Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – Macrobiotic”



Cinnamon Roasted Sweet Potato Salad

Recipe Inspired by IIN’s “warming lentil and sweet potato salad”

This was my favourite recipe from my recent detox. It was easy to take to work with me the next day. Lentils are known to help lower cholesterol and increase energy, sweet potatoes help to balance blood sugar, and spinach protects against cancer and inflammation.


1/2 cup green lentils

2 cups stock

1 large sweet potato

enough olive oil to lightly coat sweet potatoes

1/4 cup raw walnuts

1/4 cup dried currants

1 tsp balsamic vinegar

1 tsp maple syrup

dash of sea salt and pepper

dash of cinnamon

1 cup spinach

1 cup arugula

1 tbs hemp hearts


1. Bring stock to a boil, add lentils, wait until it comes back to a boil and turn heat to low so stock and lentils are simmering. Cook until lentils are tender should be about 30 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, peel and dice sweet potato, put into a bowl and coat lightly with olive oil. Season potatoes with salt, pepper, and cinnamon. Spray baking tray with cooking spray and empty potatoes onto tray. Bake at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes.

3. Make salad with spinach, arugula, walnuts, currants, and hemp hearts. Top the salad with the lentils and sweet potatoes.

4. Mix the maple syrup and balsamic vinegar on the side and pour over salad.



My Birthday Present

I am the proud new owner of a Samson 9006 Juicer!

It is a masticating juicer, which means to grind or chew, so it has slower moving parts compared to the centrifugal juicer. I like this better because it is quieter, easier to clean, is more efficient at juicing a wide variety of vegetables, and preserves more vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients in the juice. This juicer is able to make nut butter, pasta, oriental noodles, sorbet, mince vegetables, grind meat, and has an attachment to make oil. It also comes with a 15 year warranty.

If you are considering getting a juicer, I highly recommend this one.



Hot Water With Lemon

I just recently completed a detox, one of my new favourite habits has to be hot water with lemon.

Every morning I have a mug, it completely energizes my day. The citric acid promotes enzyme function in the liver which helps to rid the body of toxins. Lemons are also very alkalizing inside our bodies, due to their mineral content. When our bodies become an acidic environment, we become prone to many different diseases. Eating more alkaline foods will lead to a more balanced environment

I noticed my mood was lifted and my thought process became more clear. I will definitely be making this a daily routine.
