BEST Weight Loss Trick

The BEST weight loss trick, water. Drink water.

So many times people are eating because they are misreading their thirst. What’s the big deal anyway?

-proper hydration can reduce muscle pain and stiffness

– Dehydration slows down the fat burning process

– Water flushes toxins out of our bodies

– Water maintains muscle tone

– drinking an adequate amount of water with any meal will help you to feel full sooner

– reduce or prevent hangovers!

I think the standard 8 cups for every adult is outrageous. Just like everyone needs different foods to thrive, the same is with water. I recommend drinking half your body weight in ounces everyday as a guideline, but listen to your body.

I trained myself to drink enough water, because believe me, it was training, I was so dehydrated and didn’t even know it! I found the best thing to do was to use a big mason jar that holds 4 cups, but any sort of measuring will work. This will help you to make sure you are getting enough water to thrive, not just survive.

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