Save Money With Millet

When eating clean, there are some foods that feel very expensive. I am all about saving some cash when I can. Let me introduce millet. I freakin’ love millet. It’s so cheap at the bulk store, it tastes amazing, and it’s gluten free.

Grains have been a central part of the human diet since early civilization. They contain enzymes, iron, fiber, vitamin E, and B-complex vitamins. Our bodies will take time to break down the whole grain because the all the layers of the grain are present (not like white rice). This helps use because it will keep use feeling full for longer, providing long term, high quality energy.

Millet is a very small, yellow, round grain that has been traced back thousands of years. It was actually the main grain in China before rice and is seen today in a lot of African cuisine. Millet is still popular all over the world today because it is such a hardy plant, it will grow in extreme conditions.


Why Do I Love Millet?

  • gluten free
  • improves your breathe
  • warming effect
  • supports kidneys and stomach
  • soothing for indigestion and morning sickness
  • contains silica, which helps keep bones flexible in the aging process
  • anti-fungal; helps ease Candida symptoms
  • high in protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, and potassium
  • is super cheap! Bulk store I’ve seen it for 28 cents for 100g. (People think it’s bird food, literally for birds)

Millet can be used like any other whole grain, and also in dense breads, it has a similar consistency to couscous. Make sure you rinse the millet first and put the grains into water that is already boilingthis will help to make the millet not stick together. Millet is cooked with one part millet to two parts water. You can store it in glass containers for 6-9 months.

That Time I Emotionally Ate an Entire Pizza

Let’s back up a couple of years so you can really live this one with me. So my life was kind of, how do you say, falling apart? I was feeling depressed and useless, unfulfilled, with no plan or direction. I was still working a job I hated, had gained 20lbs making me feel unattractive, and was throwing a pity party for myself on the drive home. Suddenly I thought “Screw it; I’m going to get pizza.” I started planning it all out in my head, no one was at home, and I wouldn’t get caught and judged. Can you see me at home, alone, covered in sauce, eating through tears?

As you can imagine, I ate until I felt sick, the whole thing. My boyfriend was out of town working for the next two days, so I had time to dispose of the evidence. Right? Of course not. As soon as I finished the entire pizza, he came home early, waltzed right in and over to my empty box of shame, so eager, so hopeful. I can see it playing in slow motion in my head; he opens the box so slowly…

“Did you seriously eat an entire pizza?”


And that my friends, is called emotional eating. That was pretty much the point I decided something needed to be done. While healthy food choices are vital for weight loss, emotional eating is an added bonus we get to work through. Lucky for you, I’ve done the leg work and found what truly heals the problem, not just minimizes the symptoms. Many people try to go on diets, and control their food choices by restricting themselves. While emotional eating usually comes from a feeling of restriction or lack of affection, diets will just make the problem worse by creating a bigger binge after the diet is over, plus most diets are not sustainable.

Every time we are eating for reasons other than hunger, we are emotionally eating. Common emotions that lead us to overeat include: loneliness, sadness, anxiety, depression, fear, stress, as a reward, and even as self sabotage. When you are eating until you feel uncomfortable, when you weren’t even hungry, there is usually something going on in your life that you are avoiding, or don’t know how to work through. I see this “issue” appear in a relationship or career the most often, although it can be any stressor. While working through the issue will certainly bring relief, mending your relationship with food is of the utmost importance, if suffering from emotional eating.

So what are we suppose to do exactly? Mindfully Eat.

Mindful eating is essentially eating with intention, savoring your food, rather than eating for reasons other than hunger. Being fully present, and enjoying the entire experience of eating, as fulfilling and also necessary. Developing a healthy, strong relationship with food will banish your out of control binges for good.

Here are 10 tips to eat with intention, and repair your relationship with food. Just start with one or two, and add in more as you feel comfortable.

1. Eat when you feel hungry

2. Eat sitting down in a calm space, not including your car

3. Breathe, taking deep, slow breathes will help to relax and help you focus

4. Eat until you are satisfied – not stuffed *tip – push your plate to the side, and wait 10 minutes, if you are still hungry keep eating, but usually that’s enough time to feel satisfied and no longer hungry*

5. Be grateful, for where your food came from, who prepared it, who grew/raised it

6. Eat in full view of others (or with the intention if you are at home; no hiding)

7. Make it special, light a candle, use fancy plates or utensils

8. No distractions – TV, computer, conversations that are making you feel bad in any way

9. Chew your food – chewing your food at least 30 times each mouthful ensures the food is properly broken down, which makes it easier to digest for your stomach and intestines

10. Use all your senses; notice the colors, smells, textures, tastes

Emotional eating can affect anyone, and mindful eating can be done anywhere, even at work. Take the time on your lunch break to turn off the computers, and savor your food. Start with being grateful before every meal; it will have a huge effect. Developing a healthy relationship with food will have so many positive influences in your life, it is certain to spill over into other areas. For me, I started losing weight, which gave me more confidence, I went back to school, got a new career, and finally came to terms with my past. Just from slowing down and eating with intention.

Let’s make the next meal count, by slowing down, being grateful, and appreciating your delicious meal. What two tips are you going to try at your next meal? Would you like to learn more about emotional eating and how to stop for good? Curious about how health coaching can help you make your own healthy changes? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary health history consultation with me today——or pass this offer on to someone you care about!

The Power of Green

What is the most commonly missing food in modern diets? Greens. Learning how to incorporate greens into your diet is essential for optimum health, healthy immune system function, and strengthening the blood and respiratory system. Greens also help to filter out pollutants and are a high-alkaline food, which neutralizes acidic conditions inside of our bodies. The colour green is associated with spring, refreshment, and renewal. In Chinese medicine, green is related to the liver, creativity, and emotional stability.

Nutritionally, greens are packed with vitamins and minerals, and are one the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. They are high in calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorous, potassium, and vitamins A, C, E, and K. Let’s not forget about all the fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll, and many other micronutrients and phytochemicals. I do recommend choosing organic, however eating non-organic greens is much better than eating no greens at all. 

Benefits of Dark Leafy Greens

  • Blood purification
  • Cancer prevention
  • Improved circulation
  • Promotion of subtle, light and flexible energy
  • Improved liver, gall bladder, and kidney function
  • Strengthened immune system
  • Cleared congestion, especially in lungs, by reducing mucus
  • Promotion of healthy intestinal flora

There are so many different types of greens available all year round, be adventurous, try new greens you haven’t tried before. Common greens include include bok choy, napa cabbage, kale, collards, watercress, mustard greens, broccoli rabe, and dandelion. Arugula, endive, chicory, lettuce, mesclun, and wild greens are generally eaten raw, but can be consumed in any creative way you enjoy. Spinach, swiss chard, and beet greens are high in oxalic acid, which inhibits the absorption of the calcium to some degree, so make sure you eat them in moderation, however they still have the same benefits as all greens. Rotate a variety of fresh greens into your diet to achieve the most benefits.

There are lots of ways to cook greens, like steaming, boiling, sautéing in oil, water sautéing, waterless cooking, or lightly pickling (as in a pressed salad). If you want your greens to be plump and relax, boil them. Boil for under a minute to avoid losing nutrients in the water. You can also drink this cooking water as a health-promoting broth or tea if you’re using organic greens. Steaming makes greens more fibrous and tight, which helps you feel fuller, longer. This is a great way to help curb your appetite for those trying to lose a few extra pounds. A raw salad is also a convenient preparation for greens, and it’s so quick and easy. Raw greens have a refreshing, cooling effect on the body, and supplies live enzymes to help heal your gut.

Would you like help incorporating more greens into your diet? Curious about how health coaching can help you make your own healthy changes? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary health history consultation with me today——or pass this offer on to someone you care about!


Smoothies are delicious and incredibly nutritious, but have you ever wondered what makes them good for your workout? It is the quality of vitamins and minerals in whole, raw, fruits and vegetables that improve our endurance, strength, metabolic processes, hydrate us, and repairs tissues.

Here are the vitamins and minerals that will create your workout breakthrough:

CALCIUM: prevents muscle cramps and helps strengthen bones

Where? There is more calcium in 1 cup of dark leafy greens than 1 cup of milk.

IRON: common deficiency among athletes

Where? apricot, pomegranate, currants, swiss chard, cilantro, parsley (excellent source)

MAGNESIUM: present in more than 300 human processes, helping many metabolic processes

Where? almonds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, spinach, cilantro, beet greens, collard greens, dates

POTASSIUM: helps to maintain a healthy blood pressure, mineral balance, and regulate fluids

Where? Bananas, avocados, beet greens, spinach, cilantro, apricots, cantaloupes, figs, nectarines, pears

SELENIUM: critical to antioxidant production

Where? brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, spinach, seaweed

SODIUM: retains water in cells, preventing dehydration

Where? all fruits and vegetables contain sodium, the whole, natural form is much better for you

ZINC: directly related to endurance and tissue repair

Where? pumpkin (squash) seeds, peanuts, bee pollen, sweet peppers, spinach, parsley, seaweed

Sport drink and shake companies commonly advertise their products have the same list of benefits; they are trying to create a processed product to rival the real nutrients found in green smoothies. Skip the chemicals, preservatives, fillers, dyes, and unpronounceable names the easy way. With foods that don’t need ingredient labels.  


Would you like support learning what kinds of foods are best for your unique body? Curious about how health coaching can help you make your own healthy changes? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today——or pass this offer on to someone you care about!


Losing weight can leave you feeling restricted in the foods you can eat, and lacking the time needed to prepare them. Green smoothies are such a simple trick to include in our weight loss journey, they are so quick and your options of flavours are endless.

Green smoothies will melt the pounds away because they:

  • jump start your digestion
  • help to burn excess fat
  • provide more energy since your body doesn’t have to breakdown the food
  • rid your body of toxins
  • hydrate you
  • decrease your cravings for processed foods
  • Some fruits and vegetables have a circulation boosting effect which gives you a warm, attractive glow, so they even make you sexier!


My Expert Tips:

  • blend your greens first with the liquid then add the fruit after to create a nice smooth texture
  • short on time? Pre-make smoothies 24-36 hours before and store in airtight container in fridge. Add lemon juice to preserve the colour. Nutrients are slowly decreasing but you are still reaping all the benefits
  • you can also pre-make smoothies for the week and freeze them. Just take one out the night before and re-blend in the morning to mix it up
  • always wash blender immediately after it saves so much time, or soak in water if in a hurry

Green smoothies will trick you into being even healthier to drop those extra pounds for good. Adding something positive and healthy on purpose into your life will make you feel better about yourself, and increase the chance of other healthy habits happening. So blend that muffin top away!

Would you like help learning how to create delicous green smoothies? Curious about how health coaching can help you make your own healthy changes? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today——or pass this offer on to someone you care about!

Chopsticks and Weight Loss??

Chopsticks are such an amazing weight loss tool, so often over looked.

Using chopsticks forces you to slow down and enjoy your food, instead of shoveling it in. I recommend anyone suffering with emotional eating to try using chopsticks at your next meal. Slowing down while you are eating gives your stomach time to tell you brain you are full, which results in feeling satisfied by eating less.

Try it out for a week, and pay attention to how you feel. Often eating smaller portions, with smaller mouthfuls of food will be easier on your digestive system.

How often do you use chopsticks? I’d love to hear from you, post below!

Natural Sweeteners

Why do we crave sweets? Are there times when you absolutely crave chocolates,
candies, or cakes?

The average American consumes well over 20 teaspoons of added sugar on a daily basis, which adds up to an average of 142 pounds of sugar per person, per year!1 That’s more than two times what the USDA recommends.

Below is information on natural sweeteners, all of which are less processed than
refined white sugar and create fewer fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Although
these sweeteners are generally safer alternatives to white sugar, they should still be used in moderation.


Here is the PDF file all about Natural Sweeteners

Sugar Baby!

When I first started school at IIN one of the first foods I experimented with in my diet was sugar. It had such a huge impact right away, I felt so much better with it not in my diet. My thoughts were clearer, I was more focused, and my muffin top started to melt away!

One thing I learned was sugar is hidden in the craziest places: milk, yogurt, sauces, bread, juices, agave, some dried fruits, granola bars, Chinese take out, the list is long. Read labels, you will be shocked!
Me, you and all other humans are designed to enjoy sweet things. Hence our sugar addiction. However, we used to get this fix from fruits and vegetables, with fiber, which fills us up. When is the last time you at 36 oranges? Right?
Why is sugar so bad anyway?
Too much sugar and the liver starts to convert it to excess fat right into your blood stream aka LDL (bad cholesterol) which can form plaque and is linked to heart attacks and heart disease.
Fun Fact: When MRIs are preformed on people who SIP soda as soon as it touches their tongue it shows dopamine being released, just like a drug, activating the reward region of your brain. And just like a drug, we can build up a tolerance to it, meaning it is less rewarding, and guess what happens next? You need more and more to get the same feeling, again just like a drug.
Let’s kick sugar to the curb!
Sign up HERE
The cleanse will run from May 1-10 with a day before to get organized. I will e-mail you everyday with simple activities and you can join me and be stronger than sugar for ten days. I can’t wait!

Cook Like a Chef

As many of you know I have been working in the restaurant industry for almost 15 years. During that time I have learned so much about food. Today I want to pass on an inside secret that will help you to loose weight, and be more efficient in the kitchen.

Food prepping.

This means washing, cutting, and storing the produce before cooking. I spend one day grocery shopping and then prepping all the food. It saves me time, I have to do less cleaning, and it makes it so much easier to just grab ingredients and cook. I always recommend this to clients looking to drop a few pounds because investing your time and energy at the beginning always makes you much more likely to actually eat all those tasty veggies!

Think about a restaurant, when you order a meal no one is going to the fridge to start washing and cutting. They have prep cooks that do all of that in the day. Why? Because they are under the gun for time! A dinner entree has 20 min from the time it’s punched in to get out the kitchen doors, and they get LOTS of orders at once. Having everything cut, sauces ready, allows the whole process to actually work.

While you are cutting and peeling you will create a lot of scraps. Here is the genius part, make stock! That’s right, use every single piece of those veggies you just spend your hard earned money on. I just bring some water to a simmer and add them as I go, letting it simmer the whole time until I am finished prepping! BAM! It’s like makin’ money!

Trust me, when the kitchen runs out of something during a rush, tempers run high, because that takes two hands off the line, where they are needed. Even in the bar it works the same, garnishes are all cut before, lemons, limes, etc. God help the person who leaves it empty for the next shift, because you are setting someone up to fail.

I want you to set yourself up for success!

Another industry tip is menu planning. Clearly menus are planned out in the utmost detail, with regard to cook time and food cost. However, we can plan out what we are going to eat for the week. For example, the night before my grocery trip I flip through some of my favourite recipe books and pick a few. I make a list with the ingredients I need to buy, take that to the store and ONLY buy what I need, which saves time and money too!

I really want to make it easier for you to be healthy and realize YOU ARE A CHEF!!! So get organized, you will be shocked at how much more food you have available when it’s all ready to go. No more opening the fridge a million times feeling like there’s nothing to eat.

Try this out today!!

