Amp Up Your Athletic Performance

My beautiful friend Chelsey gave such an inspiring talk last night about the 3 Foods to Amp Up Your Athletic Performance. Lucky for us, she wrote an amazing blog post about it! Let’s show her some love!!


Just finished speaking at the Running Room here in Kelowna British-Columbia. I had such an amazing time, I’m so grateful for all the amazing questions and participation. I shared my top three foods to enhance athletic performance and overall health. 

I really wanted to to share this with my lovely readers to keep you in the loop.


Exercise Is Its Own Kind Of Food

  • A balanced diet is essential for a happy and healthy life, but without regular exercise no amount of kale or superfoods will make up for lack of movement.
  • Stress, hard work, and lots of thinking create tension in the body, which can lead to chronic aches, tightness, and constipation.
  • Alcohol, sugar and caffeine are the #1 most often used methods to alleviate these symptoms, which only serve to worsen the problem.
  • Exercise is an ideal way of releasing stress and physical tension. Without exercise, it’s hard…

View original post 274 more words

Vegan Potato and Leek Soup

Now that it is getting colder, my body is craving heavier foods like soups and stews to keep it warm. Which works out perfect for me because I love to make huge batches and freezing them. This is one of my favourites, potato and leek soup, super simple, makes a ton, and is super tasty.


Leeks are incredibly nutritious for our bodies, they have been known to help fight of cancer because they are such a good source of allyl sulfides, they protect the lining of blood vessels, have a blood pressure lowering effect, helps to boost the metabolism and being high in fiber will keep you feeling full for longer leading to help with weight loss, fight chronic low level inflammation (why is inflammation so bad??) Leeks contain a kind of folate called 5-methyltetrahydrofolate which makes them good during pregnancy, and they are full of strong antioxidants that fight against free radicals that cause chronic diseases and aging.

What You Need:

3 tablespoons of olive oil

1 tablespoon coconut oil

3 huge leeks – chopped

3 potatoes – chopped

5-7 cups of organic, low sodium, vegetable stock

Almond milk to taste

How You Do It:

1. Cook leeks in olive oil and coconut oil for a few minutes until leeks are tender and shiny

2. Add potatoes and stock, bring to boil and then let simmer until potatoes are tender. About 20 minutes.

3. Use immersion blender to puree the soup.

4. Separate soup headed to the freezer now, before you add any milk. Remember to let the soup completely cool before it goes into the freezer.

5. Add almond milk to taste, to make the soup creamy, and re-heat.