Lean on Me

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Having support when losing weight is one of the top indicators for success. Weight loss can stir up an array of different emotions and a memory, having someone there to truly listen to you is essential to keeping the pounds off.

Having a buddy to share recipes, go to workouts, try new foods together, to hold you each accountable to each other, will dramatically improve your results, plus build a bond with someone that is unbreakable.

A group can have even more benefits and really help to improve your social life. If you are thinking, that doesn’t exist where I live, perfect! This is the perfect opportunity for you to start one, shine up your organizing skills too. Start with one person, and keep recruiting. Building your own positive circle of like minded individuals will be so amazing it will spill over into all areas of your life. Meet once or twice a month, even every week, be consistent.

Listening is a huge part of healing. Giving your buddy time to talk and share, be present, and don’t give advice. Take turns so everyone has a chance to be heard and listen.

This won’t cost you anything, and can help an unlimited amount of people to lose weight and reclaim their lives.

If you would like more information about my group coaching programs please email me at agreenthumb1@gmail.com

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