5 Ways I Grew Gardening

I learned the most about personal growth and true nourishment, not for my friends or partner, but from my vegetables. My intention growing the garden was to eat delicious free vegetables, the idea of peace and clarity never even crossed my mind.

1. Small Changes Lead to a Transformation
From seed, to seedling, to towering tomato plants. My garden took time getting established, growing slowly ensured plants could support themselves. Growing a tiny amount every day, lead to a jungle at the end of summer. I grew the same way, small healthy changes made everyday lead to a huge change. From waitress, to gardener, to health coach.
2. The Importance of Friends
Plants do not like being alone, not very often in nature do you see a lone plant. By planting “friends” near each other (carrot and onions or basil and tomato) they thrive, save water, and confuse insects. This is called companion planting. From this I learned to surround myself with loving and supporting people to help me thrive. Having a support system to love you up is priceless, and really helped me to grow into my true self.
3. Potatoes Taught me Patience
Oh potatoes, first they sat in my window for weeks, then I planted them outside. I waited and watered with no sign of life. After what felt like a lifetime, they finally showed themselves, growing huge over the whole summer. Unfortunately, I still had no idea how many potatoes I had. Not until the plants died back in the fall did I dig up my little treasures. I learned that summer, that just because I don’t see results right away, doesn’t mean changes are not happening.
4. Connection Improves Quality
Spending time caring for and loving my vegetables created an understanding of the plant and what it really takes to get on my plate. So it ALWAYS taste better! I did the same thing with my loved ones. I build deeper connections by finding out where they’ve come from and what it took for them to be the person they are today. This has drastically improve the quality of all my relationships.
5. Turn Something Terrible Into Something Beautiful
I came back from camping to find the irrigation had stopped working and a whole bed was killed. I remember saying it was ruined for the rest of the summer. I turn the water back on anyway and some of the original crops did come back. Even more amazing though, were the new veggies that now had room to grow now, from seeds leftover from years ago. I learned that even when something terrible happens to you there’s always a way to grow and be even more beautiful after.
I hope this inspires you to build a garden this spring, or just sit outside and let nature show you a thing or two.

Go for a Walk


Keep it simple, go for a walk.

I have dogs, so walking is part of my daily routine. I truly appreciate our walks, I feel a spiritual connection by being outside in nature and love to watch my little idiots playing and finding only the best sticks.

Walking is one of the easiest ways to reduce your risk of diseases, improves your heart and cardiovascular system, aids in weight loss, counts as a weight-bearing activity which reduces risk of osteoporosis and arthritis, boosts vitamin D levels when you are walking outside, gives your energy by increasing oxygen supply to all of our cells, eases muscle tension and improves joints, and it makes you happy by releasing endorphins!

How simple is that? Go for walk today!

We want to see the pictures from your walk!! Post Below!!



Bad posture is characterized by slumped shoulders and a curved upper back. This affects a lot more than just appearance, it puts an unnecessary stress on your spine. That’s an unnecessary stress on one of the main things holding ourselves together!
Ever notice when your body aches, life seems to get harder?
Here’s proof.
Sit with a rounded back.
Now take a deep, deep breath.
Not so easy, is it?
Continuous strain like this can cause stress on your nerves, leading to some serious muscle and neck pain, headaches – the list goes on.
But don’t stress! Here’s some simple steps to take without making any huge sacrifices in your busy life!!
Speaking of being busy; Work.
If you sit at the desk, raise your computer to eye level. Way less slouching!!
If work is walking distance – do it! We’ve made it through winter, show mother nature your appreciation and get out there!
Sometimes just thinking about work is tiring: Let’s Sit.
If you tend to lean forward, position yourself at the front of the chair and vice versa if you find yourself leaning back.
Your legs and arms should always be at a 90° angle if you’re sitting at a table or desk, this will keep you aligned.
I once saw an Ellen clip that changed the way I sit!!
Take a break!  Once an hour or so stop what you’re doing and stretch your neck and shoulders. Get up and grab a glass of water, improving hydration and circulation!
So there it is! If you’re seeking more improvement in your posture, try core strengthening exercises found in yoga and Pilates!
@beachyogagirl has inspiring yoga pictures and videos on her Instagram account – also sometimes has awesome giveaways!!


Gardening Session – Greens


Keep it simple this summer by potting up some greens for your deck, or window sill. Be lazy, don’t run to the store, just pick a salad!

The number one thing I suggest growing are greens. They have the most nutrients, most of them you can cut a few leaves and it will keep growing all summer long, and there are so many ways you can eat them. Salads, green smoothies, green juices, instead of a wrap, the list goes on.

Right now I am growing kale, bok choy, swiss chard, and romaine lettuce in pots on my deck. I bought pots at the dollarstore, my dirt is OMRI certified, I simply asked for organic dirt at my local garden shop, where I also picked up the plant starts. I also always use a product called Gia Green Glacier Rock Dust, it contains all the trace elements, which are missing from many soils today. and we want to eat those!

Super simple mix the dirt with the rock dust and plant your plant, making sure to cover all the roots, but don’t plant it too deep so the plant is being covered by alot of dirt, or it will die. I like to plant my greens closer together, about 4 plants per pot, so I can harvest them more frequently.

Lettuces don’t love the summer heat, they will bolt, aka going to seed, or flowering. Cutting off the flower will slow down this process.

Harvest the outside leaves, just a few per plant will keep it growing all summer long.

Keep it simple this summer by growing your own greens, just think of the money you will save!




3 Ingredient Recipes

Keep it simple in the kitchen.

It’s summer, it’s hot, and frankly I would rather be outside soaking up the sun than sweating in the kitchen.

So let’s keep it simple in the kitchen today, here are some amazing recipes with only 3 ingredients. Yup, that should save us some time.


1. basil or cilantro – 2 cups

2. olive oil – 1.5 tablespoons

3. salt – to taste

Blender or food processor

Energy Bars

1. nuts – 1 cup

2. dried fruit – 1 cup

3. dates, pitted – 1 cup

Food processor until a ball is formed and everything is well combined. Spread out into 8×8 square and wrap. Chill in fridge at least one hour, or overnight.

Caramelized Citrus Fennel

1. fennel – 1 head

2. orange – 1

3. red onion – 1

Cut the top and bottom of the orange off, and set aside, they should be about at least and inch thick. Dice the red onion, fennel and remaining orange with the peel still attached. Place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and drizzle juice from the orange slices to placed to the side. Bake at 400 for 25-45 minutes until oranges are caramelized. Using a spatula mix everything after the 15 minutes, and every 10 minutes after that.


1. bananas – 3

2. eggs – 6

3. coconut flour – 1/3 cup

Blend. Cook using oil so pancakes don’t stick to the pan.


1. tomato – 4

2. onion – 1

3. cilantro 1/2 bunch

Food processor until chopped, not liquid.


1. avocado – 1

2. lime – 1

3. cumin – generous pinch

Mash avocado with the juice of one lime, a pinch of cumin, and salt and pepper to taste.

Mexican Grilled Corn

1. corn – 2 ears

2. lime – 2

3. cilantro – 1/3 cup chopped

Toss the corn in oil and salt and pepper, grill until tender, then toss in lime juice and cilantro.

Ginger Prawns

1. prawns – 1lb

2. apricot jam – 3/4 cup

3. grated ginger – 1 tablespoon

In a sauce pan, melt jam and ginger together. Drizzle about 3 spoonfuls of the sauce over the prawns and broil for 3-4 minutes, until just starting to brown. Serve with the rest of the sauce as a dip.


1. Edamame

2. salt

Steam the beans, or cook in boiling water until tender. Remove and toss with salt.

Watermelon Smoothie

1. frozen watermelon

2. coconut water

3. fresh mint

Blend it.



From talking with clients, I have found there are two very different views on mantras. One is that they are very personal, and almost secret, and the other is shouting it from the roof tops. Whichever team you are on, it is agreed that mantras are extremely beneficial.

Our thoughts control our feelings.

So telling yourself all day something negative is going to make you feel terrible and rob you of energy and happiness. We’ve all done it, crying saying the same thing over and over. I always think about Dane Cook crying…

On the flip side, saying something positive to yourself will lift your spirits, turn your mood around, and create confidence.

Keep it simple, use a mantra today, if you are stuck for ideas try “I am enough”

I would love to hear from you, post a comment below!

Keep it Simple – Organizing

Get Organized

It’s June!

Summer is here and I am keeping it simple all month-long. The first step, getting organized, I’m talking about a clean house, food prep, scheduling, paperwork, the whole nine yards.

I think it’s a great way to keep it simple. It saves so much time, not having to look for anything, quickly making meals, and not missing any important events.

Investing time at the beginning to think everything through, get organized and prepared helps to make your goals real, whatever they are.

I love to use Sunday as my day to set up my whole week, I make my schedule, mean plans, clean the house, and file papers.

Set aside time right now, get organized today. I promise this simple trick will energize you and your goal will start to PULL you forward!
