Sugar Baby!

When I first started school at IIN one of the first foods I experimented with in my diet was sugar. It had such a huge impact right away, I felt so much better with it not in my diet. My thoughts were clearer, I was more focused, and my muffin top started to melt away!

One thing I learned was sugar is hidden in the craziest places: milk, yogurt, sauces, bread, juices, agave, some dried fruits, granola bars, Chinese take out, the list is long. Read labels, you will be shocked!
Me, you and all other humans are designed to enjoy sweet things. Hence our sugar addiction. However, we used to get this fix from fruits and vegetables, with fiber, which fills us up. When is the last time you at 36 oranges? Right?
Why is sugar so bad anyway?
Too much sugar and the liver starts to convert it to excess fat right into your blood stream aka LDL (bad cholesterol) which can form plaque and is linked to heart attacks and heart disease.
Fun Fact: When MRIs are preformed on people who SIP soda as soon as it touches their tongue it shows dopamine being released, just like a drug, activating the reward region of your brain. And just like a drug, we can build up a tolerance to it, meaning it is less rewarding, and guess what happens next? You need more and more to get the same feeling, again just like a drug.
Let’s kick sugar to the curb!
Sign up HERE
The cleanse will run from May 1-10 with a day before to get organized. I will e-mail you everyday with simple activities and you can join me and be stronger than sugar for ten days. I can’t wait!

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