Take In NOT Out!!

Last night I had some friends over for dinner. I wanted to make them something I knew would be very healthy, and delicious, so I made an Indian themed dinner!

I think it is very important to have dinner parties, it gets people together, and for me, since I eat clean, and not very many of my friends do, it helps me to introduce healthy, delicious foods to people who would never make them for themselves. I also get a chance to practice mindful eating techniques, saying grace, appreciating the food first, getting feedback on the flavor and smells. Just getting a conversation going about what you are eating, when you are eating.  Making it a group affair really helps to show people the importance of eating together and experiencing the food.

One problem I keep hearing is, “I don’t know how.”

I have been working in the restaurant industry, for over a decade. I also eat almost exclusively home cooked meals, and love sharing meals with  large groups of people.

That’s why I am creating a dinner party workshop.

I will come into your home and teach you and up to 7 of your friends how to create all the clean eating meals needed for a dinner party. I will leave copies of my recipes we create together, to take home with you. Once we create our beautiful feast, I will leave you to enjoy your dinner party! Instead of spending money on take out, over and over again, learn the skills to make these meals yourself to impress your friends and family. I can’t wait to share the details with all of you.

For now, try out some of these yummy recipes I ate last night!

Cilantro Mint Chutney

Cucumber Raita

Quinoa Chapatis

Squash Chickpea Curry




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