Bean Chili

I just had one of those “I don’t have any food” moments, you know, opening the fridge 74 times, rummaging through every cupboard. With no luck, or so I thought. I revamped a bean chili and it was amazing!!

What you need:

2 cups of dried beans
1 bay leaf
28 oz can of diced tomatoes
1 can of tomato puree
1 onion
6 garlic cloves
2 1/2 tablespoons of dried jalapeños (or 3 fresh)
2 cups of stock
ground cumin
chili powder
garlic powder
1/2 cup of nutritional yeast (optional)
juice from 3 limes
1 cup chopped cilantro

Soak white beans overnight (to be honest I used white, but use any dried bean you have, it will work the same)
Rinse beans off, cook in new water with a bay leaf, until tender, about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Keep in mind you set a timer and walk away it’s not that long!

After cooking, strain and set aside.

*the soaking, rinsing, and cooking with a bay leaf will make the beans easily digestible also lessening your chance of gas, who knew right?*

Chop 1 onion and 6 garlic cloves, cook in a little bit of oil, or your homemade butter I know you tried out from last week 😉 Cook until tender about 3-5 minutes.
Add a 28 oz can of diced tomatoes and a can of tomato puree, the jalapeños, stock, and season with chili powder, cumin, and garlic powder to taste. I used a fair amount, keep adding and tasting until you think it tastes like chili. Add in 4 cups of cooked beans, or all the beans depending now how much is left over. Add the nutritional yeast, if using and let simmer for 25 minutes.

Then add your lime juice and cilantro, and take off the heat, and enjoy! This is a great meal to toss in the freezer, take as a packed lunch, or heat up and have with eggs as a breakfast!


You can see in the picture I topped this with avocado and cilantro pineapple chutney


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